Saturday, June 18, 2011

My Bestfriend :/

I don't know what to say.. I just feel so hurt when this had happened.. I can't hide whatever I tried to hide before.. You know why I didn't let you pick her again right? Cause she dumped you for no reason and I can't let you be sad again just like you did before..BUT YOU DIDN'T GET WHAT I'VE TRIED TO DO! You're selfish! You don't know how to judge people! I didn't say she's bad, but she's not for you.. You're too naive! Can't you see what she's trying to do? The most thing you did that hurts me so bad is when you have her, you leave me without byebye.. No messages anymore because you have her now? NICE! I made a conclusion last night, I always by your side right? But I'm just filling your loneliness..When she threw you, you came to me.. But when she tried to pick you again, you leave me.. Am I that easy for you? When I tried to forget you, I cried and cried to make e blind!!! BLIND! So that I won't be looking at you guys! Don't you think that's cruel? I'm cruel to myself before you guys are cruel to me! I did something that I've done before.. It will effect my heart, you get it right? Thanks for giving me this good experience.. If you're reading this, I hope you'll die someday after you get hurt just like I am now.. Let me live happily alone after this.. Please leave me :/

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