Sunday, July 31, 2011

Ramadhan Al-Mubarak's coming :)


Cannot eat :)
WOWWW! I just heard this ustaz told the people that tomorrow 1st August 2011 is fasting month!! :) I'm so excited but of course I have to be more careful because SPM is just 8 weeks from now. I don't know why I still didn't feel scared or nervous about it, I just said 'OH' and smile if people advice me 'Hanim,SPM is getting nearer, you should study more, sleep less' WHATSOEVER! I do whatever I do. Wow, sounds arrogant. Haha, sorry :) I just don't like people force me to do something, hate it so much! BUT I know, the faith in me will change it someday :) InsyaAllah. During this Eid's Day, I can't be happy as much as I want because that's when my trial SPM approaches me while say HI :D Pray for my successful in my life, and hope you guys get the return by Allah, InsyaAllah. Thanks :)

Thursday, July 28, 2011

Love or Like ? @.@

Okay, everybody must have been in this kind of situation right? The situation is confused whether we are in LOVE or LIKE someone. So, as a blogger, I want to give some tips for you to stop confusing and it was picked from my DIARY :)
1. LOVE : In front of him/her, your heart will be pounding so FAST!
    LIKE : In front of him/her, you will be always HAPPY :)
2. LOVE : In front of him/her, the cold wind will be feel like the SPRING  SEASON :D
    LIKE : In front of him/her, the cold wind will be feel like WINTER SCENIC ;)
3. LOVE : When you look into his/her eyes, then you'll meet something strange in the heart @.@
    LIKE : When you look in his/her eyes, then you'll SMILE :)
4. LOVE : In front of him/her, you will be SHY :p
    LIKE : In front of him/her, you will show WHO YOU REALLY ARE :)
5. LOVE: He/She will approaches your HEART every 2 minutes
    LIKE : He/She will approaches your MIND every 2 minutes :p
6. LOVE : You CAN'T EVEN LOOK into his/her eyes
    LIKE : You will SMILE when you look into his/her eyes :)
7. LOVE: If he/she cries, you'll CRY with him/her :'(
    LIKE : If he/she cries, you'll end it with RELIEF  ^.^'
8. LOVE : The feelings is coming from the EYE GAZE ;)
    LIKE : The feelings is coming from EARS LISTENING ^.^?
9. LOVE : In front of him/her, you CAN'T EVEN SAY what's in your heart :p
    LIKE : In front of him/her, you CAN SAY it ;)
So, if you want to stop to LIKE someone, what you have to do is CLOSE YOUR EARS -.-
BUT if you try to CLOSE YOUR EYES ,  LOVE will be the TEARS which is always be trace in your heart FOREVER :) Think well, are you really IN LOVE or just a crush? :D

Friday, July 15, 2011

PLKN -.-

As the picture showed, I think I don't have to tell you guys anymore. Why is it those who want it don't get it, but those who don't want it get? -.- My teacher said 'Government knows who don't want it, so they give to those who feel this PLKN is wasting time' :p BUT it's okay, my best friends said so many good things about this program so that I won't complain now -.- Maybe they hate of hearing me complaining :( I just think the benefits if I go there I'll get allowance.. MASSYYYUUKK!!! :D As you guys know, I've tried to make my body slim for past weeks, but my sister said 'There, you'll eat till your stomach burst' :( Then I answered 'I'm not as fat as you are' :p BUT pleaseeeeee, TUAN PELATIH, don't be hard on me.*He won't care right? -.- ERRRRR :(

Sunday, July 3, 2011

People change as the time flies

Afiq Bin Ghazali :)

Last day we met :'(
This guy. He meant to me so much. He was the one who support me whenever whatever I wanted to do :(  BUT now he left me. He was the one who always say I'm his BEST FRIEND EVER! We lost contact each other but inside of me I never forget him. He was the one who said he loved me. He was the one who bought me gifts. He was the one who never leave me in thick or thin. He was the one who I need whenever I had problems. He was the one that called when I cried. He was the one who cared about me so much. I don't care if people say I'm over reacting for posting this, but I'm willing to take the risk. I MISSED HIM SO MUCH :( Whoever read this post, please understand. I didn't say I love him as a boyfiee, I love him as my best friend. Sorry for didn't appreciated you at first.