Saturday, August 27, 2011

My beloved Grandfather Haji Nong Chek Bin Said

22nd August 2011, 1.40pm was a moment that I shall never forget. My one and only grandfather that I love left me. I know people keep on saying 'God loves him more'. I know that but can you guys imagine what things are going right now? He was hospitalized then I thought he'll be okay just like before when he was sent to hospital. BUT this time he was gone. When I'm at school, suddenly Ikmal Faiz my friend told me that my sister came to school to fetch me. I was wondering what's so important till he came here to take me away. That's when I knew Atuk(grandfather) is dying. I didn't cry at first because I believed that he's going to be okay. When I arrived at hospital, I quickly walked towards the security counter, got the permission to go and see him.I got upstairs ang I saw him laying on the ward bed. I red him Yaasin and I got an opportunity to say the last word to him ; Atuk, bangun laahh. Kalau atuk sihat sekarang, kita boleh raya sama sama. Atuk kena kuat, tak boleh kalah kena sakit tu Atuk. Atuk maafkan Hanim, sebab selalu tak datang jenguk atuk, Hanim sekolah' Then I cried until I didin't realize his heart beating s zero.That was the saddest day of my life. Good bye Atuk, I love you till the end of my heart beating. Al Fatihah :(

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