Wednesday, March 7, 2012

What's new

Heyy guys! Harini aku just nak bagitahu another 2 weeks, 22nd March 2012 is the DAY. SPM results are coming out! DAMN! I think I'm not ready for another shocking news. Please Ya Allah, kau sedapkan lah mataku ini ketika memandang slip kertas peperiksaan ku nanti. Mama, Hanim minta ampun kalau tak dapat straight A's.Aku sekarang duduk rumah je. Takbuat apa pun. Right now, aku just online, tengok TV. Nothing better. WAIT, aku rasa nak EK EK jap.
....................(10minutes later)
FUIHH, dah lega. Hahaha, selekeh aku ni. Anyways, SPM is another 2 weeks, me and Ali Iman have been 2 months. Get it? Hahaha, stupid lame joke -.- Okay, I think that's all. Walaupun pendek SESANGAT. Aku pun bosan dgn hidup aku. PLKN, cepatlah tangkap aku! :D

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