Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Snow Walk i-City

Yesterday was a fairy tale. I went to the Snow Walk i-City. With beloved beby :) Pergi pukul 8pm till 10pm on 30th May 2012. Kitorang spent the last day together before he goes to Penang to study at UiTM. Sedih gila aku semalam. Rasa macam taknak bagi dia balik sebab I'm not ready to let him go. Please don't go. I need you here, taking care of me. Nanti Iman takde, siapa nak jaga Hanim? Iman tak sayang Hanim ke? I don't want you to go :( Beby, I post this memory so that we'll always remember the last date we spent together.
The moment when we entered the snow world :)

Rasa tak sanggup nak tinggalkan memory ni :(

Beby, don't ever forget me :(

My beby sejuk :p

2 seconds timer. Laju gila senyum -.-

Aku dah start sejuk kat sini ( ^^ )

Blurry but still sweet to me ;)


The cutest :')

I said 'Beby, Hanim sejukkkkk' :p

Bajet comel -.-

Flash is shit -.-

Tak suka!!! >.<

The sweetest ;)

The friendship never ends :)

Kesian tengok muka dia sejuk :p
Beby, if you miss me, open my blog and you'll see my heart is begging you to come home and meet me. I just need you to always remember me cause the last thing I want you to know I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOU AND I REALLY DO SO MUCH, I SWEAR.

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