Hey, thanks so much you guys who wished me today on 29th April 2013. I really can't believe I'm actually 19 y/o! So, my mom has been asking me "Kau nak apa birthday ni?" "Nak camera instant polaroid tu!" "Alaah, takpayah lah. Bukan birthday kau pun kau dapat hadiah" -_- AWKWARD! So, the gifts I already get are this Larrie Sport Shoes and Giordano shirts from him :)
And Giordano shirts lah sebab i don't have one. Hihihihi :p
So I'm waiting for this from my motheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrr!!!
Why are you so mean? This is me. Why can't you accept me for who I am? I am just an ordinary girl with an ordinary lifestyle. I am not skinny and beautiful, but at least I try making myself and you happy. But you don't care do you? What do you want from me? Like a supermodel to you? I can't stand it anymore. Listen to me, I'm done. If you can't accept me for exactly what I am, who I am. I guess we don't belong together. If Allah already set us up, we'll be together. I give up. I give up on us. I'm sorry. I am tired.
Second recipe for me. Also not for publics but papers keep dissapearing -_- Why am I so careless?
1. 1 bawang merah, 2 bawang putih, halia
2. Tumbuk tumbuk tumbuk
3. Tumis
4. Campur cili boh 2 sudu ikut rasa
5. Tumis sampai garing
6. Air asam jawa, tomato sauce
7. Tambah air untuk kuah
8. Gula, garam, cukup rasa
9. Masukkan ayam yang digoreng separuh masak
10. Gaul gaul gaul
11. Siap!
Since I am such a forgetful person, so I decided to wrote all these cooking lists on a paper. Unfortunately, the papers are all gone. So, lastly I decided to write these on my blogs. Actually it's for me. Not for you guys :*
1. 1 bawang merah, 2 bawang putih
2. Halia
3. Black pepper
4. Tumbuk tumbuk tumbuk
5. Tumis
6. Rendam suhun
7. Naik bau, masukkan air, potato, carrot (benda yang keras)
8. Masukkan suhun, tahu kering
9. Masukkan tomato (benda yang lembik)
10. Siap!